Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What a difference a year makes.

This photo:

and this photo:

where taken 364 days apart.
I had wanted to post "Before and after and more before" pictures of Cain's bike but I'll be damned if I know where the pictures from 2 years ago went.




This past Saturday was the first time I'd seen the bike with its new look & the first thing I noticed was how cool the rear tire is...and we all know how fussy I am about tires.


Imgone said...

One: Love the post label.

Two: How funny that I just sent you some more pictures before I read this post!

I sent you a few of each incarnation, including the one's you "misplaced"

You'll have one more set when I finish the dang rear fender. :)

Imgone said...

Oh, and yes...... You are picky about tires. Glad I passed the test!