Friday, November 21, 2008

23 skiddoo!

So yeah, it looks like I'm gonna be a college man.
Me, "The World's Oldest Freshman".
I don't care about the social morays...I'm wearing a raccoon coat! (which is incredibly hard to find a picture of I will have you know)
Now I just have learn the Charleston, and how to play the ukulele, and find a flat brimmed hat, and a pennant and...and....and.....
I ate a live goldfish at the campus tour...I wanted to get it out of the way right off the bat.

Now, where's that Billy Lee Riley record?
(There's a dollar in it for whoever gets that reference)


Carr's Garage said...

May I suggest you view the MArx Brothers' film "Horse Feathers."

A wonderful primer on vintage college life (fur coat and all).

Imgone said...

I just want to see you in a raccoon jacket. That'd be rad.

(Word verification: jeckoff. Not kidding)

missinglink said...

Is that as in B L Riley`s `College Man` song ? If it is , put my dollar towards a fur coat and a uke.
Good luck with that , you can`t never have too much learnin` , plus , hot college totty!
Just don`t get tempted into listening to Bauhaus or any college shit like that!

BillT113 said...

I hope you do better than these guys....ah college