Friday, November 28, 2008

Before and after of a 77 Sportster

I was going to post this on the Jockey Journal but....I dunno....that place lately.
That could be an entry all it's own.
Anyhow, here's some crummy scans of bad scans of not-so-good pictures.
If I had to guess the first 2 are early 80's?
The last one, which could easily be a "before" again (there's been talk of all black tins)is a bit more recent....I'll say 2005?
If this bike could talk......the first thing it might say is "I get treated like a dirt bike!"

1 comment:

missinglink said...

I know what you`re saying about Jockey Journal , something`s changed , hard to say what.
I like that middle picture , has a real `glory days` feel to it.